The Company has been promoted by Bhimjyani family. Originally it was registered in the name of R T Exports on 1st May, 1980 under the Companies Act, 1956. On 18th December, 1992, company became Neelkanth Limited The company listed its equity shares with BSE Ltd. on 30th July,2001.
The company is engaged in export and local trading of agro products since 1980. Company procures rice from various parts of the country. Finest qualities of Basmati Rice procured from Bundi, Rajasthan is exported under the brand name “White Pearl”. RTEL has established its reputation in the international market for export of Indian Basmati rice and other agri products to the U.S.A., U.K., European countries, Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, U.A.E. etc.
The group is professionally managed under the leadership of Rashmi Bhimjyani and Mr. Rashmi Bhimjyani is an ex-Director of spices board, Indian oil produce export development authority and Vice President of all India rice exporters association.
Mr. Bhavik Bhimjyani :-
Mr. Bhavik Bhimjyani is a graduate and MBA from Wharton School of Management, University of Pennsylvania. He was with the Mergers and Acquisitions Group at Lazard Freres in New York and worked on some of the firm’s most successful deals such as the sale of Hot Jobs to Yahoo. He also worked at the Technology Group in Merrill Lynch Investment Bank in New York, USA. On returning to India sometime in 2003, Mr. Bhavik has been taking active interest in the family’s Business.
Mr. Rashmi Bhimjyani :-
Mr. Rashmi Bhimjyani has been with the agro products business since 1975 and has considerable experience in purchases from farmer groups and various intermediaries in the business. He has been successful in building up agro products export business and make Neelkanth Limited Group as one of the largest exporters of rice in the country. He later on set up large rice mills at different locations in North India for export purposes. Mr. Bhimjyani holds a BS in Economics from Boston College and an MBA from University of Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Ms. Rekha R. Bhimjyani
Rashmi C. Bhimjyani (HUF)
R T Agro Pvt. Ltd.
The Board of Neelkanth Limited comprises of: | ||||
Mr. Yogesh Dawda | Chairman & Wholetime Director | |||
Mrs.Sangeeta Vijay Kumar | Non - Executive - Independent Director | |||
Ms. Asha Dawda | Non - Executive Director | |||
Mr. Yogesh Thakkar | Non - Executive - Independent Director | |||
Mr. Kirtikumar Pandya | CFO |
Neelkanth Limited (BUNDI)
Kota Road, Dev Pura,
Bundi, Rajasthan-323001.